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All publications for the rubric Disinfection | procedures, devices, agents, media (Wipers, Swaps,...)

Mit dem Wandel in zahleichen Industriebereichen verändern sich auch die Aufgaben in der industriellen Teilereinigung. Dies erfordert von Herstellern eine stärkere Diversifikation des Produkt- und Dienstleistungsportfolios. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean GmbH) / With the changes in numerous industrial sectors, the tasks in industrial parts cleaning are also changing. This requires manufacturers to diversify their product and service portfolios more strongly. (Picture: Ecoclean GmbH) Hightech-Branchen wie die Halbleiterzulieferindustrie, Präzisionsoptik und Medizintechnik benötigen produkt- und branchenspezifisch angepasste Reinigungs-und Turnkey-Lösungen für höchste Reinheitsanforderungen. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean GmbH) / High-tech industries such as the semiconductor supply industry, precision optics and medical technology require product and industry-specific cleaning and turnkey solutions for the highest cleanliness requirements. (Picture: Ecoclean GmbH) Eine erste Lösung im neuen Geschäftsfeld Elektrolyseure wurde mit einem Prüfstand für die alkalische Druckelektrolyse im September 2023 fertiggestellt. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean GmbH) / An initial solution in the new electrolysers business area was completed in September 2023 with a test rig for alkaline pressure electrolysis. (Picture: Ecoclean GmbH)
  • Disinfection | procedures, devices, agents, media (Wipers, Swaps,...)

Ecoclean meets current and future challenges with diversification

Answers to the transformation processes in the industry

The economy is undergoing a transformation that poses challenges for many areas of industry. New products and various megatrends require adjustments to manufacturing technologies as well as to the range of products and services. Ecoclean GmbH is proactively addressing this change through greater div…

Wasserreinigung mit Hilfe von Diamantelektrode: Demonstration des Abbaus von blauem Textilfarbstoff mit Diamantelektroden. © Fraunhofer IST / Water purification by means of diamond electrodes: Demonstration of the degradation of blue textile dye using diamond electrodes. © Fraunhofer IST Mobiler Ozongenerator auf Basis von Diamantelektroden zur Erzeugung ozonierten Wassers vor Ort. © Fraunhofer IST / Mobile ozone generator based on diamond electrodes for on-site production of ozonated water. © Fraunhofer IST
  • Disinfection | procedures, devices, agents, media (Wipers, Swaps,...)

Energy-efficient, resource-saving and environmentally friendly: Pollutant reduction without the addition of chemicals

Whether in the production of food and medicines, in horticultural businesses, in hospitals, or in every private household - disinfection and the reduction of pollutants in water and on surfaces play an important role in many areas of application. The addition of chemicals should, however, be avoided…


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