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All publications for the rubric R+D & Community of Interest

Funktionalisierung von Wirk- und Hilfsstoffen mittels Plasmaverfahren für eine optimierte Herstellung individualisierter Arzneimittel. © Fraunhofer IST, Falko Oldenburg / Functionalization of active ingredients and excipients by means of plasma processes for the optimized production of individualized pharmaceutical products. © Fraunhofer IST, Falko Oldenburg Einsatz von 3D-Druck für die Herstellung individualisierter Arzneimittel. © Fraunhofer IST, Krees Nagel / Use of additive manufacturing for the production of individualized pharmaceutical products.  © Fraunhofer IST, Krees Nagel
  • R+D & Community of Interest

Fraunhofer IST and PVZ collaboratively establish a translational laboratory unique in Germany

Research from Braunschweig enables innovative pharmaceutical products

Braunschweig continues to expand its strengths in the manufacture of individualized pharmaceutical products. For this purpose, the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST and the Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering (PVZ) of the Technische Universität Braunschweig are cooper…


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Kretz + Wahl Ecolab HJM Hydroflex