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  • Clothing & Consumables

WZB is fit for the pure space future

� the workshop center for handicapped humans of the life assistance gGmbH (WZB) in Spiesen Elversberg is a modern business enterprise of the special kind �, places Michael Schepp,� Department manager Vertrieb and Marketing, clearly. � that means also that we cannot send our workshop persons employed with bad situation concerning orders in short-time work, but rather also our special social responsibility to become fair to want: handicapped humans for the first job market too qualify and/or by work meaningfully to employ �, so Schepp further. In view of the current economic crisis come it the WZB today to property that it was opened approximately in the section pure space clothing with service offers around decontamination and sterilisation a promising market and order decreases from the automobile supplier industry catch in such a way can. � that was an important investment for our enterprise �, like that Schepps result. The WZB furnished a pure area before approximately 20 years country widely as the first obstruction workshop. In the meantime 20% of the gross income by orders within the range of the clean-room technology are gained. The creation of a new pure area was a further important step in the reorientation of the work III to a competence centre for those momentarily about 80 customers from chamfering mA and semiconductor industry as well as the medical technology industry. In the specialist areas N�herei, decontamination and sterilisation the treatment as well as the assembly are offered to the pure space clothing of medicine products. The offered Full service of the WZB for pure space clothes contains production, cleaning and decontamination. Approximately 100,000 pure space suits, hoods and boot are again prepared here for the employment at the customers of the different industries. Among the customers enterprises rank such as NXP Semiconductors, Ursapharm drug, Fresenius Medical Care, in addition, Fraunhofer institutes and universities. � at present 12 handicapped humans and their group leader in the sterilisation plant work, but we knew still capacities free and if necessary supplement �, so group leader Dietmar Backes, which refers still to a criterion important for it: � we manufacture DIN EN 9001:2000 after the quality standard usual in the industry. � 42 further humans with handicap install medicine-technical hose chamber systems for customers of the medical technology under guidance of their group leaders. It gave, grants fears of contact with potenziellen clients at first already Daniel Cavelius of the selling of the enterprise. But the WZB convinced by a qualitatively good and high-quality work. � the workshop persons employed were trained intensively and preparatory for their later employment in the pure area �, underline Backes. The coworkers of the pure area are proud on their activity. Meanwhile customers use out completely Germany and the neighbouring France the pure area of the WZB. � companies, which assign orders at obstruction workshops, can save with the compensatory tax a quantity money �, so for Schepps hint. The compensatory tax becomes due, if companies occupy not at least 5 per cent of their jobs with at least 20 coworkers with heavily obstructed humans. � many enterprises give away here cash money. If one constantly looks for saving potentials and leads supplier negotiations, each buyer would have to actually use consistently the saving potential pure space clothing �, supplements Cavelius. Particularly since the quality of the offered services is measurable and bears each comparison with other industrial enterprises, which shows the multiplicity content of of many years customers.�

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