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  • Clothing & Consumables

WZB: Start-up of the sterilisation for pure space clothing

WZB: Inbetriebnahme der Sterilisation für Reinraumbekleidung
WZB: Inbetriebnahme der Sterilisation für Reinraumbekleidung
After approximately five months building and installation time immediately with the WZB gGmbH (workshop center for handicapped humans) in Saarland nine-churches pure space clothing is sterilized. For this for two autoclaves after newest state of the art were purchased, which were installed in a again built pure area of the ASTM class C. The generous premises with separate air-locks offer a suitable working environment to the busy coworkers. Approximately 24 workshop persons employed and two group leaders will find in this new work area occupation. The handicapped coworkers were prepared intensively in a 12-monatigen qualifying measure for your new activity. Additionally to already longer the three pure areas in the enterprise (decontamination of pure space clothing and/or assembly of medicine products) in the entire one approximately 850 m are thus operated � pure space surface in the WZB. However the new pure area measures approx. 350 m �. Two autoclaves with a capacity in each case 12 sterilisation units (STE), which independently be operated can, are for the sterilisation of pure space clothing at the disposal. Each autoclave has a chamber volume of approximately 1 m �. Also the environmental compatibility was considered when planning with. Thus the modules work energetically optimized with heat recovery; further by � the free cooling � during our plant interpretation above an outside temperature of 18� C compressor capacity is only needed by refrigerant plants. Thus only the fans run for the closed-circuit cooling of the Sterilisatoren and the pure area in the winter and the transition periods. By the investment WZB can offer in the future a complete package approximately around pure space clothing: Development and production of the clothing, decontamination, sterilisation and the logistic completion are accommodated in a central work. Short ways and adapted operational sequences provide for optimal processes, which ensure a highest possible quality of the products and services. Last the many internal and independent external monitorings and certifications do not contribute to hold and continuously improve for nearly 20 years the quality standard of the WZB high in the pure area.� Of course WZB offers also the leasing of pure space clothing. The considerable and content reference customers make clear, the claim of quality and the flexibility of the enterprise are how high! Particularly by the chargeability on those substantial amounts can compensatory tax which can be paid be able during agency of the WZB to save � net up to 50% of the costs to be back-demanded in such a way for customers! An offer comparison is worth thus in each case, addresses you us! Its partner Daniel Cavelius is to you at any time gladly at the disposal.

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MT-Messtechnik PMS C-Tec Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH