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Market leaders combine cleaning expertise for the medical industry

SBS Ecoclean Group and MMM Group conclude sales cooperation agreement

Für beide Partner stellen das Produktportfolio des anderen beziehungsweise Teile davon eine ideale Ergänzung dar, um Kunden aus nahezu allen Bereichen der Medizintechnik weltweit einen Mehrwert an Leistung und Service zu bieten.
(Bildquelle: Ecoclean) / For both partners, the product portfolio of the other or parts of it represent an ideal complement to offer customers from almost all areas of medical technology worldwide added value in terms of performance and service.
(Photo credit: Ecoclean)
Für beide Partner stellen das Produktportfolio des anderen beziehungsweise Teile davon eine ideale Ergänzung dar, um Kunden aus nahezu allen Bereichen der Medizintechnik weltweit einen Mehrwert an Leistung und Service zu bieten. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean) / For both partners, the product portfolio of the other or parts of it represent an ideal complement to offer customers from almost all areas of medical technology worldwide added value in terms of performance and service. (Photo credit: Ecoclean)
„Die Lösungen von MMM sind bei der Herstellung medizintechnischer Produkte unverzichtbar und ergänzen unser Portfolio an schlüsselfertigen Turnkey-Lösungen daher ideal. Dabei spielt auch die globale Präsenz des Unternehmens eine wichtige Rolle“, sagt Fabio Cordaro, Global Business Development CLP und Experte für Teilereinigung in der Medizintechnik bei Ecoclean. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean) / “MMM's solutions are indispensable when it comes to manufacturing medical products and are therefore an ideal addition to our portfolio of turnkey solutions. The company's global presence also plays an important role,” says Fabio Cordaro, Global Business Development CLP and expert on parts cleaning in medical technology at Ecoclean.
(Photo credit: SBS Ecoclean Group)
„Die Lösungen von MMM sind bei der Herstellung medizintechnischer Produkte unverzichtbar und ergänzen unser Portfolio an schlüsselfertigen Turnkey-Lösungen daher ideal. Dabei spielt auch die globale Präsenz des Unternehmens eine wichtige Rolle“, sagt Fabio Cordaro, Global Business Development CLP und Experte für Teilereinigung in der Medizintechnik bei Ecoclean. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean) / “MMM's solutions are indispensable when it comes to manufacturing medical products and are therefore an ideal addition to our portfolio of turnkey solutions. The company's global presence also plays an important role,” says Fabio Cordaro, Global Business Development CLP and expert on parts cleaning in medical technology at Ecoclean. (Photo credit: SBS Ecoclean Group)

The SBS Ecoclean Group, a global provider of turnkey cleaning solutions for the medical industry, and the MMM Group, whose sterilization systems are used worldwide, have entered into a cooperation agreement. In this sales cooperation, Ecoclean covers the complete domain of industrial production within the medical technology sector, while MMM focuses predominantly on business with hospitals, service companies and laboratories, as well as in the life science industry.

The cooperation between the two companies, which each holds a leading position in its markets, will bundle product, sales and service synergies worldwide. Through the addition of cleaning systems from MMM, Ecoclean is extending its range of turnkey solutions for the medical industry. In particular, these are final cleaning and passivation systems for treating products before they enter a cleanroom. “Since years, these solutions have not only been used successfully by hospitals and service companies to reprocess medical devices, but are also indispensable when it comes to manufacturing medical products, thus making them an ideal addition to our portfolio,” explains Fabio Cordaro, Global Business Development CLP and expert on parts cleaning in medical technology at Ecoclean. “With MMM, we now have an experienced and innovative partner at our side for this task who, like us, is active worldwide and can offer global service. The pandemic has really shown us how important it is to have service personnel available locally.”

The MMM Group, which is based in Planegg, Bavaria, and represented in over 120 countries, offers a full range of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization equipment and services for the healthcare and life science sectors. Healthcare solutions include systems for reprocessing anything from complex robotic instruments through to bulky items such as mattresses. In the life science sector, industrial cleaning tasks with the highest requirements have to be solved as well as those involving sterilization. “In the past, we were not proactive in the industrial cleaning business. That is why we are so pleased about the cooperation with Ecoclean,” says Andreas Schneider, Marketing Director of the MMM Group. “Thanks to the cooperation, we can now realize projects with a strong partner and develop high-quality products tailored to the needs of the industry.

For both partners, the other company’s product portfolio or parts thereof, as well as their respective global setup, complement each other perfectly, thus enabling them to offer customers worldwide added value in terms of products and services.


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