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“Industry Trainer”: For healthy, moti-vated and productive staff in industrial workplaces

Der neue „Industry Trainer“ von Dauphin soll zu regelmäßigen Phasen der Bewegung in Form von einfachen Entlastungsübungen anregen. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / The new “Industry Trainer” from Dauphin is designed to encourage workers to include regular activity phases in the form of simple relaxation exercises. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Der neue „Industry Trainer“ von Dauphin soll zu regelmäßigen Phasen der Bewegung in Form von einfachen Entlastungsübungen anregen. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / The new “Industry Trainer” from Dauphin is designed to encourage workers to include regular activity phases in the form of simple relaxation exercises. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Mit den kurzen, effektiven Entlastungsübungen des „Industry Trainers“ von Dauphin können die Mitarbeiter ihre Konzentrationsfähigkeit am Industriearbeitsplatz steigern und möglichen Verspannungen, Kopfschmerzen und Rückenleiden vorbeugen. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / With the short yet effective exercises in Dauphin’s “Industry Trainer” programme, workers can increase their concentration in industrial workplaces and avoid possible muscular tension, headaches and back pain. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Mit den kurzen, effektiven Entlastungsübungen des „Industry Trainers“ von Dauphin können die Mitarbeiter ihre Konzentrationsfähigkeit am Industriearbeitsplatz steigern und möglichen Verspannungen, Kopfschmerzen und Rückenleiden vorbeugen. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / With the short yet effective exercises in Dauphin’s “Industry Trainer” programme, workers can increase their concentration in industrial workplaces and avoid possible muscular tension, headaches and back pain. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Mit dem Bewegungs- und Dehnübungsprogramm mobilisieren die Beschäftigten die Brustwirbelsäule, lockern den Schultergürtel, kräftigen die Rückenmuskulatur und dehnen den Nacken. So hilft der „Industry Trainer“ von Dauphin dabei, das volle Potenzial aus einer gesunderhaltenden Arbeitsplatzeinrichtung zu schöpfen. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / With the programme of exercises and stretches, workers can mobilise the thoracic spine, relax the shoulder girdle region, strengthen the back muscles and stretch the neck. The “Industry Trainer” from Dauphin helps workers to get the most out of health-promoting workplace furnishings. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Mit dem Bewegungs- und Dehnübungsprogramm mobilisieren die Beschäftigten die Brustwirbelsäule, lockern den Schultergürtel, kräftigen die Rückenmuskulatur und dehnen den Nacken. So hilft der „Industry Trainer“ von Dauphin dabei, das volle Potenzial aus einer gesunderhaltenden Arbeitsplatzeinrichtung zu schöpfen. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / With the programme of exercises and stretches, workers can mobilise the thoracic spine, relax the shoulder girdle region, strengthen the back muscles and stretch the neck. The “Industry Trainer” from Dauphin helps workers to get the most out of health-promoting workplace furnishings. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Der „Industry Trainer“ von Dauphin regt in den Pausen und während der Arbeit dazu an, dass sich die Beschäftigten unter Anleitung lockern, kräftigen und dehnen. Der Mitarbeiter nutzt seine Umgebung am Industriearbeitsplatz, um die Bewegungs- und Dehnübungen mehrmals und im Seitenwechsel zu wiederholen. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / The “Industry Trainer” from Dauphin explains to workers how they can relax, strengthen and stretch their bodies during breaks and while working and encourages them to do so. Workers use the environment in their industrial workplace to perform the movement and stretch exercises several times and on alternate sides. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Der „Industry Trainer“ von Dauphin regt in den Pausen und während der Arbeit dazu an, dass sich die Beschäftigten unter Anleitung lockern, kräftigen und dehnen. Der Mitarbeiter nutzt seine Umgebung am Industriearbeitsplatz, um die Bewegungs- und Dehnübungen mehrmals und im Seitenwechsel zu wiederholen. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / The “Industry Trainer” from Dauphin explains to workers how they can relax, strengthen and stretch their bodies during breaks and while working and encourages them to do so. Workers use the environment in their industrial workplace to perform the movement and stretch exercises several times and on alternate sides. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Der „Industry Trainer“ der Dauphin-Gruppe bringt regelmäßige Bewegung in den Alltag: Denn täglich fünf Minuten sind besser als eine halbe Stunde Training pro Woche. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / The “Industry Trainer” from the Dauphin Group ensures that workers exercise regularly when working: after all, five minutes every day are better than half an hour’s training once a week. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)
Der „Industry Trainer“ der Dauphin-Gruppe bringt regelmäßige Bewegung in den Alltag: Denn täglich fünf Minuten sind besser als eine halbe Stunde Training pro Woche. (Foto: Dauphin HumanDesign Group) / The “Industry Trainer” from the Dauphin Group ensures that workers exercise regularly when working: after all, five minutes every day are better than half an hour’s training once a week. (Photo: Dauphin HumanDesign Group)

The Dauphin HumanDesign Group unveiled the new “Industry Trainer” at the A+A 2017. With the five-minute exercise and stretching programme designed to prevent health problems, employees can get the most out of their health-promoting workplace furnishings. Incorporating the various exercises into one’s everyday work helps to prevent muscular tension while encouraging concentration.

At the A+A 2017 in Düsseldorf, the Dauphin Group showed how working practices geared to preventing health problems can play a more important role in industrial workplaces. The focus was on the new “Industry Trainer". The short yet effective programme is designed to encourage workers to include regular activity phases in the form of simple relaxation exercises. By doing so, workers can improve their concentration skills and prevent muscular tension, headaches and back pain. The “mobilisation and stretching” exercises should be performed regularly during a working day. After all, five minutes every day are better than half an hour’s training once a week.

“Industry Trainer” encourages regular exercise

In order to make it easier for workers to perform the exercises, the Dauphin Group provides the “Industry Trainer” as a poster or brochure. These can be ordered directly by contacting The posters or brochures can be put up or laid out in the workplace or in recreation rooms where they can be seen by everyone and serve as a visual reminder to do more exercise while at work. The exercises mobilise the thoracic spine, relax the shoulder girdle region, strengthen the back muscles and stretch the neck, thorax and the thigh and calf muscles. They are performed in flowing, smooth movements and the positions are held for 10 to 20 seconds. No extra equipment is necessary. Workers use the environment in their industrial workplace to perform the movement and stretch exercises several times and on alternate sides. Regular exercise is essential when working: the “Industry Trainer” explains to workers how they can relax, strengthen and stretch their bodies during breaks and while working and encourages them to do so.

Fewer health problems – higher productivity

Ensuring that workers can sit and work healthily in industrial workplaces is in the interests of employees and employers alike. Muscular, bone and joint pains are a key cause of sickness-related absence. Ergonomic furniture and work equipment combined with the correct working habits can help to prevent this. And as Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V. (AGR) confirms, anyone who feels good while working in their laboratory, clean room, production area, workshop or assembly line is more motivated, does not tire as quickly and is more productive.

The ideal industrial workplace requires an ergonomic combination of industrial work chairs, standing seat workstations, ideal lighting, optimum reaching distances, perfect tool provision and smooth workpiece transport. This helps to protect workers’ health and increases both efficiency and productivity. This integrated approach to furniture solutions and the importance of establishing ergonomic working habits were the focus of Dauphin’s exhibition at this year’s A+A.

Further information

Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG
Espanstraße 36
91238 Offenhausen
Phone: +49 91 5817514
Fax: +49 91 5817701

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