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A pure area develops in the head

Ein reiner Raum entsteht im Kopf
Ein reiner Raum entsteht im Kopf
Present challenges for many enterprises are the constantly growing quality requirements in pure production. In order to become fair these, a permanent dialogue between the operators of pure areas and the specialists from the pure space industry is necessary. Only like that it is ensured that new technical and scientific realizations are in practice converted as well as time near to changed production environments is reacted. The out and further training of the personnel is just as important thereby as the exchange of know-how within the professionals of the industry.�������� The establishment of the pure space academy GmbH in January 2008 was a further consistent step to contribute to the optimization of production processes in pure areas. Because fact is: the best technology is only as good as humans, who develop and serve it. Consciousness over complex operational sequence is therefore with crucial for that� Result. A various knowledge spectrum offers offers and ThemenDie pure space academy for at the topic the pure area interested. Training courses and trainings, seminars and expert days are the basis of a comprehensive qualification, which is supplemented by a Showroom as well as an on-line portal. The topics of the meetings reach thereby from the planning of a pure area under consideration of standards and guidelines up to the equipment, the clothing concepts and air-lock systems as well as the further training coworker-professional training courses and WorkshopsSchulungszentren are in Leipzig and Aschaffenburg. On pure space modules as well as in a complete pure area the training course and Workshop participant can train realistic scenarios, for instance transferring, working in the pure area or however specific purification processes. In a exercise air-lock different flow kinds and their influence are demonstrated by humans. All around well care that team of the pure space academy supported interested one during travel planning and offers locally a hotel and a shuttle service. Gladly also over the rich cultural offer of the respective place of event one informs. Electronic media belong to it-trainingfilm are in the today's time a substantial component of the out and further training. The pure space academy offers also to it completely specific solutions. Thus for example film modules are offered, which can be integrated into different instruction units. To the portfolio likewise product and image films for companies, enterprises or federations belong. These contributions are produced of a partner company, whose coworker is been versed in the best way with the modalities in the pure area. � PraxisbezugDer seat of the pure space academy is in Leipzig. Here the combination of modern conference areas and the Cleanroom Experience Showroom offers optimal conditions, in order to connect theory and practice. And in the training center � Rhine Main � in Aschaffenburg is present an original pure area, in which transferring and pure space processes can be trained particularly intensively. The future has today begin-beginning those pure space academy sets an indication of future-oriented thinking. In the increasing segment of pure space production farsightedness as well as courage are to innovations the substantial success factors. The development of the clean-room technology in the next years requires to already adjust itself to coming. And particularly humans are in demand to find creative and professional solutions for the lining up questions. The pure space academy makes for this an important contribution, by creating one of the most important bases for optimal processes: The sensitization of humans for pure production. Because: A pure area develops in the head!�

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Reinraum Akademie
Teil von CWS Cleanrooms
Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 12-14
04103 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 989890
Fax: +49 341 989892108


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