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  • Award

Schreiner Group Wins World Label Award for “Innovation”

Distinguished Recognition for Needle-Trap Secu

Needle-Trap Secu: Das innovative Nadelschutzetikett mit integrierter Siegelfunktion und irreversibler Erstöffnungsindikation wurde mit dem World Label Award 2024 in der Kategorie „Innovation“ ausgezeichnet. © Schreiner Group / Needle-Trap Secu: The innovative needle protection label with an integrated sealing function and irreversible first-opening indication has been recognized with the World Label Award 2024 in the “Innovation” category.  © Schreiner Group
Needle-Trap Secu: Das innovative Nadelschutzetikett mit integrierter Siegelfunktion und irreversibler Erstöffnungsindikation wurde mit dem World Label Award 2024 in der Kategorie „Innovation“ ausgezeichnet. © Schreiner Group / Needle-Trap Secu: The innovative needle protection label with an integrated sealing function and irreversible first-opening indication has been recognized with the World Label Award 2024 in the “Innovation” category. © Schreiner Group
Das mit dem World Label Award ausgezeichnete Needle-Trap Secu setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Verbindung von Sicherheit, Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit. © Schreiner Group / Awarded the World Label Award, Needle-Trap Secu sets new benchmarks in terms of combining safety, efficiency, and sustainability. © Schreiner Group
Das mit dem World Label Award ausgezeichnete Needle-Trap Secu setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Verbindung von Sicherheit, Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit. © Schreiner Group / Awarded the World Label Award, Needle-Trap Secu sets new benchmarks in terms of combining safety, efficiency, and sustainability. © Schreiner Group

The innovative needle protection label Needle-Trap Secu from the Schreiner MediPharm business unit has been recognized with the prestigious World Label Award 2024 in the “Innovation” category. This special honor not only validates the innovative prowess of Schreiner Group’s products but also confirms the company’s commitment to developing pioneering solutions for the healthcare industry.

The World Label Award that has been presented since 1996 is one of the most important international competitions of the label industry. It is organized by L9, a global alliance of the major label associations. A high-caliber judging panel made up of industry experts evaluated the entries submitted in a total of 24 categories. The awards ceremony took place in Chicago at the end of 2024, one day before Labelexpo America opened.

Innovative Product Design with Sustainable Added Value

The award-winning Needle-Trap Secu product sets new benchmarks in terms of combining safety, efficiency, and sustainability. The world’s only needle protection system featuring a needle trap directly integrated in the label offers healthcare staff safe and easy handling of prefilled syringes. At the same time, the innovative construction, thanks to its compact design, reduced plastic material content, and integrated sealing function saves space and resources. Needle-Trap Secu’s special sealing tab offers irreversible first-opening indication ensuring the integrity of the syringe up until its use—which eliminates the need for an additional blister pack. These features not only enhance the safety and security of the product but also make it extremely sustainable and cost-efficient.

Exceptional Innovative Prowess

Roland Schreiner, President and CEO of Schreiner Group, is delighted about this outstanding recognition. “Having won the World Label Award in the Innovation category documents our company’s exceptional innovative prowess and untiring commitment of our employees. With Needle-Trap Secu we showed once again how high tech and sustainability can be perfectly combined with each other. Successes like these reinforce our resolve to continue developing forward-thinking solutions with passion and precision,” he said.

Schreiner MediPharm
85764 Oberschleißheim

Publications: Further publications by this company / author

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