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All publications from CWS Cleanrooms Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG

  • Cleaning | procedures, devices, agents, media (Wipers, Swaps,...)

A cleaning Xperts from CWS Cleaning explains how a cleanroom is freed of all the particles and germs that were inevitably spread during the construction phase.

From a construction site to a cleanroom

If you want to operate a cleanroom in accordance with all applicable standards and guidelines, there is a lot to consider. Setting everything up for the first time already presents many challenges. But how does a newly built cleanroom actually become clean for the first time? Manfred Martin, Supervi…

  • Realisation

On 28 September 2023, CWS Cleanrooms officially opened its new cleanroom laundry in Eindhoven together with invited customers.

New cleanroom laundry opened in Eindhoven

CWS Cleanrooms is a full-service provider and leasing partner for cleanroom textiles and accessories. The company ensures that its customers always have sufficient quantities and sizes in the right place at the right time.

Further expansion of Europe-wide laundry network

The cleanroom market is growin…


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Becker Hydroflex ClearClean Systec & Solutions GmbH