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All publications from Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH

Kompakte, atmosphärische Plasmaquelle im 2,45 GHz-ISM-Band, u.a. geeignet zur Oberflächenaktivierung oder in der Medizin. (© FBH/D. Wolf) / Compact, atmospheric plasma source in the 2.45 GHz ISM band, suited e.g. for surface activation or medial applications. (© FBH/D. Wolf) Kompakte Pulslichtquelle liefert flexible Pulse im Piko- und Nanosekundenbereich mit Nanojoule-Energien. (© FBH/P. Immerz) / Compact pulse light source delivering flexible pulses in the picosecond and nanosecond range with nanojoule energies. (© FBH/P. Immerz)

At SEMICON Europa FBH will present a compact atmospheric plasma source in opera-tion and further developments based on III-V electronics.

Activating surfaces with flexible and compact plasma sources

At the SEMICON Europa trade fair in Munich, the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) will show-case new developments at the joint stand of »Research Fab Microelectronics« in hall A4, stand 504 from 13 to 16 November 2018.

Among others, the Berlin-based Leibniz institute will present a compact atmospheric pla…

JOKARUS-Nutzlast: Für den ersten optischen Frequenzstandard auf Basis von molekularem Jod im Weltraum. (© HU Berlin/Franz Gutsch) / JOKARUS payload: Used to demonstrate the first optical frequency standard based on molecular iodine in space. (© HU Berlin/Franz Gutsch) Herzstück des JOKARUS-Experiments: Das erfolgreich im Weltraum eingesetzt wurde: ein mikrointegriertes Diodenlasermodul (ECDL-MOPA) aus dem Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, das bei einer Wellenlänge von 1064 nm emittiert. (© FBH/ / Centerpiece of the JOKARUS experiment: Successfully used in space: a micro-integrated diode laser module (ECDL-MOPA) from the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut emitting at a wavelength of 1064 nm. (© FBH/

JOKARUS experiment on sounding rocket successfully completed. Corner stone for laser ranging measurements with the highest precision and precursor for optical sat-ellite navigation systems.

Frequency-stable laser systems for space

For the first time a frequency reference based on molecular iodine was successfully demonstrated in space! What sounds a bit like science fiction is an important step towards laser interferometric dis-tance measurements between satellites as well as for future global navigation satellite systems bas…

Digitales Leistungsverstärker-Modul für 5G, die mobile Kommunikation der Zukunft (© FBH/ / Digital Power Amplifier Module for 5G, the Mobile Communication of the Future (© FBH/ Heterointegrierte Schaltkreise, die die Vorteile zweier Technologiewelten miteinander verbinden: hohe Ausgangsleistungen von Indiumphosphid und die Komplexität der Siliziumtechnologie (© FBH/ / Heterointegrated circuits, combining the advantages of two technology worlds: the high output powers of indium phosphide with the complexity of silicon technology (© FBH/

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut demonstrates its capability in III-V electronics at „Productronica“. FBH components are used, among others, for the future mobile communications standard 5G and for industrial as well as biomedical applications.

Core components for future technology solutions – from heterointegrated chips to digital power amplifiers

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) presents a selection of current developments and advances of its power amplifiers, circuits, and heterointegrated chips at “Productronica”. The event is hosted in Munich from November 14-17, 2017 in hall B2, booth 317. The Leibniz institute exhibits at the join…


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