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Gerresheimer and Sensile Medical to attend CPhI Worldwide together for the first time

Von links nach rechts: Infusion Pump Small Volume, Patch Pump Large Volume, Reconstitution
System und Pen. / From left to right: Small-volume infusion pump, large-volume patch pump, reconstitution system, and pen.
Von links nach rechts: Infusion Pump Small Volume, Patch Pump Large Volume, Reconstitution System und Pen. / From left to right: Small-volume infusion pump, large-volume patch pump, reconstitution system, and pen.

By acquiring Switzerland-based Sensile Medical AG in July this year, Gerresheimer is expanding its business model to become an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for drug delivery platforms with digital and electronic capabilities. Sensile Medical develops innovative drug delivery products and platforms, including digital connective functions, for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical customers. The company will be joining Gerresheimer’s team of experts and sales specialists at CPhI Worldwide in Madrid for the first time.

“Pooling Gerresheimer’s and Sensile Medical’s expertise is an ideal move for any of our customers looking for innovation,” says Sandra de Haan, Chief Business Officer at Sensile. Sensile Medical’s leading position in micro pump technology combined with drug delivery devices featuring electronic and connected capabilities for medical applications is progressing to market readiness in specific customer projects with pharma companies. Sensile Medical is involved with pharma companies in the early stages of drug and therapy development. The company is to become the Development Division, covering the field of innovative devices for the entire Gerresheimer Group. It is already working very successfully on projects with customers to develop devices for diabetics and patients with heart disease.

The micro rotary piston pump – a key component

Sensile Medical AG developed a new kind of micro pump, which is the key component of all products. SenseCore is small, very precise in dosage, and inexpensive to manufacture as it is only made up of two plastic parts. Thanks to its high degree of flexibility, it is compatible with a variety of drugs. It is the key component in a range of pump platforms. Sensile Medical’s current product range stands out thanks to its high dosage accuracy, easy handling, and safe drug delivery mechanisms.

Gerresheimer will be presenting all of these products at booth 4C30 at CPhI, hosted by the IFEMA congress and events center in Madrid.

Further information

Gerresheimer AG
40468 Düsseldorf


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